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How much does it cost to file for divorce in Hillsborough County?

How much does it cost to file for divorce in Hillsborough County?

How much does a divorce in Hillsborough County cost? The filing fee for a divorce case in Hillsborough County is $408. The filing fee for contested and uncontested divorces is the same. However, rhe Court may also charge additional fees for a summons or other documents.

Where do I file for divorce in Hillsborough County?

Hillsborough County, FL Divorce Circuit Court InformationCourt Name:Circuit Court - Hillsborough County, Family Law DivisionCourt Location:800 E. Twiggs St., Tampa, Flor2Court Phone:ourt Hours:8 am - 5 pmFiling Fees:Will vary depending on complexity of the divorce case.7

How do I file for divorce in Tampa Florida?

How To File For Divorce In Florida?Step 1 Prepare The Petition For Dissolution Of Marriage.Step 2 Prepare The Summons For The Florida Court Clerk.Step 3 Prepare SS Affidavit, Non-Military/ Military Affidavit & UCCJEA Affidavits.Step 4 Complete The Florida Financial Affidavit & Supporting Documentation.

How much does a Florida divorce cost?

The cost of a divorce in Florida can range from less than $500.00 to over $ If the husband and wife agree on all issues, don't use lawyers and prepare their own paper work, then the divorce will cost $408.00, which is the clerk's filing fee.

Can you get a divorce without the other person signing in Florida?

The good news is that in Florida, you can still get a divorce even if the other party will not sign the divorce papers. Because Florida is a “no-fault” state, you don't have to prove that one spouse or the other was at fault in the divorce. Instead, you just have to state that the marriage is irretrievably broken.

What are the steps to getting a divorce in Florida?

Steps in a DivorceStep 2: Filing an Answer. The spouse who did not file the petition has 20 days to file an answer from the time they are served with the petition. Step 3: File Additional Required Paperwork. Step 4: Discovery. Step 5: Mediation. Step 6: Parenting Plans. Step 7: The Trial.

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